
The Depot at Public Square Project Begins

The Village of Plain City is excited to share that work has begun on The Depot at Public Square! Crews from Outdoor-FX and the Village have begun dismantling the depot at its current location in anticipation of its relocation and reconstruction in Plain City later this summer.

The interior of the depot is being carefully disassembled, with components being moved into temporary storage. Elements of the depot, such as flooring, walls, windows, doors, etc. will be preserved and reincorporated, while surplus furnishings will be auctioned at a later date. The brick patio (pavers and railroad ties) encircling the depot has been dismantled and transported to Plain City, where it will be reinstalled following the reconstruction of the depot.

Site preparation at the new location is also underway. Crews have removed fencing and will soon begin site leveling to allow the construction of a new foundation and the installation of utilities.

The exact date for the depot's opening to the public remains unclear, but is anticipated for late fall or early winter. In the meantime, planning for the public plaza, splash pad, playground, and other site amenities are ongoing.

For more information about the project, please visit: