
New Residents

Welcome to Plain City!
Video production courtesy (IG) @making.sintz

We are thrilled to have you as a new resident and would like to extend our warmest greetings and gratitude for choosing our community as your new home. We hope that your decision to locate here brings you many years of personal growth and success.

Plain City is a vibrant and welcoming community that prides itself on its small-town charm, strong community spirit, and rich history. Nestled in a picturesque rural setting, Plain City offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and modern conveniences. From our tree-lined streets to our friendly neighbors, you will find a sense of belonging and a supportive community that values both tradition and progress.

As a new resident, we want to ensure that you have all the resources and information you need to make your transition smooth and enjoyable. Our website serves as a hub of valuable information, offering details on local government services, utilities, public safety, community events, and much more. Feel free to explore the various sections and discover the amenities and services available to you.

Let us help you settle in:

Support Local Businesses

If you're new to Plain City, you will soon notice that we're particularly proud of our local businesses. As part of our commitment to showcasing our business community, we are actively gathering marketing materials for posting on this website. As the list continues to grow, we invite you to explore these local businesses:

Understanding Plain City's Location

confused guy Understanding the geography of Plain City can be challenging due to our unique location. We advise new residents to carefully study their locations to determine their specific resources, school districts, service providers, and more. Plain City is situated in both Madison County (to the south) and Union County (to the north), creating a division that can be difficult to navigate. Surrounding Plain City are various townships, such as Darby Township and Canaan Township in Madison County, as well as Jerome Township and Darby Township in Union County. Moreover, Plain City is located approximately three miles west of the City of Dublin. To add to the confusion, several large residential developments, including New California and Jerome Village, share the same zip code as Plain City, but are actually located in Jerome Township. Education-wise, Plain City falls under the Jonathan Alder Local School District, while portions of neighboring townships are served by Fairbanks Local Schools and Dublin City Schools.