

This page is intended to provide general information about a variety of topics. It is not intended to imply your legal options or provide any legal advice. It is recommended that you consult a private attorney if you have additional legal questions regarding these issues. If you beleive the Police Department can offer further assitance regarding these issues or others, please don't hesitate to call us at 614.873.2921 or 614.873.4321.

Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence is a serious crime and is treated as such by law enforcement and the Courts. Domestic Violence involves family or household members as defined by section 2919.25 of the Ohio Revised Code and the threat of violence or an act of violence causing injury. The State of Ohio has developed a preferred arrest policy, which in short states that in order to protect the victim of Domestic Violence, the suspect shall be arrested and incarcerated in a local detention facility. The Plain City Police Department also has policies in place that ensure that the State policy is followed. Victims of Domestic Violence are provided with information regarding nearby shelters and contact information for VOCA representatives, if needed. Domestic Violence often goes unreported for long periods of time, until the victim realizes that the abuse will not stop. The injuries inflicted during domestic violence incidents usually progress over time. Many times the victim makes excuses for the offender and thinks that the violence is justified. Assaults between spouses and other family members are not justified and should not be tolerated. Counseling, temporary shelter and other assistance is available through A Friend's House in Madison County, Turning Point in Union County and Choices in Franklin County. If you feel that you are a victim of Domestic violence, call the Police Department immediately.

Temporary Protection Order (TPO)TPO's are issued to victims of Domestic Violence only. They are usually issued after an arrest for Domestic Violence has been made by the Police Department. Only a Court can issue TPO's, but the Police Department can assist you in completing the paperwork, filing the paperwork, and providing telephone numbers for additional assistance. TPO's usually define guidelines that must be adhered to by the defendant, such as not having any contact with the victim. If the defendant violates the TPO, he or she will be arrested by law enforcement. TPO's are designed to provide additional protection to victims of Domestic Violence, but the victim must also take precautions to prevent further injury from the defendant. There will be a TPO hearing prior to issuance, so be sure to ask the Judge or a VOCA representative any questions that you have regarding TPO's.

Civil Protection Orders (PO)Civil PO's can be issued for a variety of reasons. Most often a criminal charge has not or won't be filed in connection with a request for a Civil PO. The Police Department will not be able to offer you any assistance with a Civil PO, as it is handled entirely within the Court system. Consult a private attorney or the local prosecutor's office for additional information regarding Civil PO's.

Criminal Protection Orders (PO)Criminal PO's are similar to TPO's in that a criminal charge usually accompanies them. Criminal PO's can be issued in connection with the following crimes: Felonious Assault, Aggravated Assault, Assault, Aggravated Menacing, Menacing by Stalking, Menacing and Aggravated Trespass. The Police Department cannot issue Protection Orders of any kind, but can assist you in the filing of a Criminal PO. If you have been a victim of one of the aforementioned crimes, charges have been filed against a known subject, and you desire a Criminal PO, then it will be necesaary for you to appear in Court no later than the next business day following the filing of the charges. Ask the investigating officer or call the Court for additional information.

Unruly JuvenilesParents are often faced with difficult decisions regarding thier children. None harder than asking the Police Department to intervene when the juvenile is unruly or habitually disobedient. The goal in these situations is not for the Police Department to punish the juvenile, but rather to provide the parent with alternatives for resolving these situations. These alternatives can include having the juvenile charged as being unruly in the Juvenile Court. Again, the goal is not to punish, but to try to get the juvenile back on the right track. There are various solutions offered by the Court to assist both the Parent and the Juvenile to resolve conflicts.

Underage DrinkingChildren begin to think differently about alcohol between the ages of 9 and 13. Many children begin to think that underage drinking is socially acceptable and some even start to experiment. It is never too early to talk to your children about alcohol, and encourage them to talk with you. The chance they will try alcohol increases as the child gets older. One conversation isn't enough to give them the information and guidance they need. By talking often and honestly about alcohol, you have the ability to influence your child's decisions about underage drinking. School, peers, family, and the community all play a role in your child's decision to abstain from drinking alcohol. Most children who use alcohol, get it from a friend or family member. To ensure these individuals and groups become positive role models for your child, let them know how you feel about underage drinking. Learn more at:

Driving Under the Influence

Seat Belts and Child Restraints